07 May 2011

KCWC...a sneaky peak

Wow ~ This is my first Kids Clothing Week Challenge and I'm so excited! Ideas are running through my head. Questions too. How much can I get done? What do the kids need? Will I sew through the night? Do I have to do housework this week? So, I have a bit of a loose list and I'm setting my own challenge...ONE item per day and ONE post per day. I figure, its my first, so lets go hard or go home. If at the end of the week I'm rocking back and forth in a corner clutching my sewing machine, thats a sacrifice I'm willing to make...

So here's a little tid-bit, some fabrics I've been dying to use and now the perfect occasion. We are approaching winter here down-under and though its pretty mild, Archie needs pyjamas and pants. Hudson needs pants and tops. Archie definately needs a bowtie. And mummy needs uninterrupted sewing time. When not sewing, I will be glued to the KCWC elsie marley FLICKR group.

See you on the other side 


  1. Wow - this will be an interesting week for you and us (your blog readers)!!!
    Can't wait to see what you are doing :)

    ... just want to say, that you have motivated me a lot - i also want to participate (but not that intense like you)!
    Okay, i will go now to search fabrics, pattern, etc...

    greetings from the other side of the world,

  2. Oh thats fantastic Sylvia! I'll make sure to keep an eye on your blog next week to see what you're up to. Good Luck :)

  3. Ooooo. Nice fabric, I'm excited to see what you do. It must be nice to be organized! I just have random ideas floating in my head of what I'm going to do :) That owl in the boat is so cute!

  4. Hello, Just found your blog, cant remember how now ; ) but i am also doing the KCWC, have spend most of the day today printing and cutting out patterns, should have prepared that a bit better. Good luck with your sewing.

  5. Nice fabric choices! I managed to cut out a pair of pants and starting sewing today. If I am able to finish said pair of pants by the end of the week, I'll be a happy girl. :) Can't wait to see the final products of all your hard work!

  6. Hello again, Thanks for all the comments. For the sleeping bag i used a pattern, a burda one that i got at spotlight.
    Regarding the TV how good that you got rid of it but i would miss it too when you just need to turn your head off for a while.

    Are you having problems with your blog? I cant do any new posts, its been like this from last night and still havent fixed itself and i want to blog about my sewing.
    Happy sewing.

  7. Hi there! Found your blog through KCWC and wanted to say that I LOVE it! Love your style and admire your mad sewing skills. :) I'll be reading!!
