25 August 2013

Hand-made Closet 101: Print v Solid

I have this dilemma right now and when I say right now I mean since the beginning of all this sewing a hand-made wardrobe business. I like prints. I like them a lot. But the situation in my closet is this. I open it up in the morning and do you think I feel inspired? No, I am bowled over by the print army. To be fair, the culprits are not just hand-made items but this is them alone, so you can imagine what the rest is like. I've just finished off a few bits and pieces and attended to a 6-month old pile of mending so a fresh space is cleared for a whole new batch of projects. Only, I want to make good wardrobe choices and know that I will love to wear these things I'm about to slave over. Time for a little pre-sew closet research....

This, my friends, is the print situation. Is it any wonder I sometimes feel pukey in the morning? (not pregnant!)

And the solids. All seven of them and two not even blogged. I've never seen them all lined up like this but can I just say, wow I have made some truly excellent color choices. Totally nailed an autumn palette without even realizing! The things is, I love solids and this winter almost passed I reached for the chocolate skater dress, moss green Briar and rust merino skirt daily. And sometimes I had to be like 'Hey girl, you know you wore that yesterday... and the day before'. So, it's all very well buying, making and loving prints but if you're not actually going to wear print-on-print then there needs to be solids to balance them out. And since I am mostly still sewing instead of buying clothes (with the exception of underwear, good fitting jeans and pre-menstrual impulse buys) it's not surprising that the wardrobe in it's current state is quite un-wearable. Solution? Instead of giving up prints (absurd idea) why not commit to a small chunk of time to only sewing in solid colors?!

Okay, so here is my commitment: the next four pieces of clothing I sew will be solids. No stripes, no florals, no ikat, no ponies, no tribal and no woodland critters. What about printed lining...does that count? See, loopholes already. But seriously, who doesn't love a little self-imposed regimen. And rather than feeling closeted I cannot wait to go look at the stash a-fresh and get sewing. Anyone else living in a silent print-omatic nightmare? Perhaps you could play along with your own solids experiment...


  1. Such a lonesome collection of solids! But yes- so nicely curated :p

    I just had a quick look through my makes from this year & it appears that I suffer from a similar tendency! It's strange that shopping for solid fabric should be so uninspiring when they undoubtedly make the most versatile clothing. So this little experiment is one that I might just join you in!

  2. I am totally with you on this; when fabric shopping I always get drawn to the crazy print section - oooh, multi-colours, patterns, stripes, spots etc... but the last two items I have made have been solids, so the balance is being addressed! But slowly...

  3. This is so true! I think the hardest part of being in a creative field like sewing or knitting, especially when you're a beginner like me is negotiating the pull towards things that are beautiful or interesting on their own (quilting cottons, anyone?) and creating a piece or a wardrobe that makes sense in a larger context. I find myself gravitating towards really exotic prints (or getting upset when I can't find them) only to step back and think later that the beauty of the garment could equally come across in a solid colour. It's really great that you brought this point up - would love to follow your solid colour challenge!

  4. I hear you! I just bought four different solid fabrics for the same reason! I already finished some cargo pants in a cream colour and I´m sure I´m going to use them much more than any of my prints.
    Looking forward to seeing what you make!

  5. I just made the exact same promise to myself after realising exactly the same thing! Print fabrics are just so irrestistable though, sigh

  6. I'm living in a crazy world of prints... which would definitely not be the case if I didn't make clothes. The make after this one I'm planning to be plain.. but sequins! Does that count? Maybe not :)

  7. I came to this same conclusion last year. I sewed a bunch of plain, solid coloured clothing and it was SO good.
    As soon as this year started I introduced some of the prints back in but now that I've got my eye on some kind of balance in my wardrobe it's making it a lot easier to fall in love with a solid fabric and follow through on the making process.
    Not to mention I now have a wardrobe that doesn't make me look so schizophrenic - huzzah!
    Good luck with the solid sewing - it will change the way you think and sew!

  8. Oh my, you've just summed up my handmade wardrobe and sense of style! I love, love, love a good print and cannot pass them up! But I need solids really badly and I do love solids on other people...they look so chic! Good luck with your self-imposed 'challenge'...maybe I need something similar to make my wardrobe more wearable!

  9. Yes, yes, yes! I hear ya. My handmade wardrobe and my bought wardrobe are the same. I love a good print but then I'm always having trouble putting things together of a morning. I did a wardrobe stocktake the other week and I colour coordinated my entire wardrobe. I actually find this helps me a lot because I can see easily what I have in each colour and can put together complimentary outfits easier.

  10. But you look so good in prints! That's what I love most about your blog..seeing how you have pulled off the most amazing print.

  11. Yes definitely a printaholic - I've not consciously chosen solids for my current WIPs but it has just turned out that way. I'm definitely distracted by colourful (and shiny) things! The key to loving solids is find beautiful quality fabric I think - I'm nearly finished a beautiful top in an inky blue merino, and can't wait to start wearing it!

  12. same problem. i just went through my closet last night... i slept badly.

  13. Do you pronounce the accused guilty? YES! GUILTY!

  14. I have a similar problem. I'm not a good enough seamstress yet to wear all the things I've been trying to make, but when I do buy stuff for myself, or even just browse, I am always, always drawn to the prints. It does indeed make it hard to find something to wear. I love your idea of doing the next four things in solids. Maybe you could alternate after that? For every patterned piece or two, you sew a solid. Good luck!

  15. I'm not so much a print-wh*re (no diss intended!) but I have the issue of sewing things that can't be worn together. It's the curse of creative pull. I have a fabric "speak" to me and off I go creating it into its garment only to realize it has no pieces to actually be worn with& of course I don't pre-plan to make a matching bottom. BLAH.

    I will join your cause and implement this: The next four items I sew will be companion pieces to be worn WITH AN EXISTING ITEM.



  16. Hehehe, you're definitely not alone, it seems! I too realized that I had the print-addiction, both sewn and purchased clothing... So I turned to solids and realized there's a world of potential there I had completely overlooked. Even solids can have interesting textures, woven patterns, tone-on-tone patterns... I've sort of abandoned prints altogether in the last few years, and have built up a wardrobe of solid colors, but with subtle, nuanced interest. Being quite petite, I realized this suits me better anyway. ;). I hope you enjoy your 4 solid makes!

  17. yup, yup, and yup! my latest fabric order included white, grey amd black knits. trying to round out my solids and neutrals!

  18. I love buying print fabrics, bit wearing them is a totaly different story. I wish i had the same fabric and clothing taste.

  19. Hahahaha, yes... I can relate to this. I sew solids, too, but when I do, they're usually chartreuse or coral or some other color that doesn't go with anything else in my wardrobe. It's just so fun to sew crazy stuff, but it does contribute to the closet-full-of-stuff-but-nothing-to-wear syndrome.

  20. I always overlook solid colours and get distracted by prints. I think of prints as more fun to sew?! I really need to think more about solids, lately I've made a few things and have made matching solids to go with them in the hop this will aid my print matching dilemmas! Hope you get on well with your solid colour sewing plan! :)

  21. Very relatable! I do think that the prints that you choose are gorgeous, but if it is not a dress you do need something to pair it with right? I've had the same thing on my mind and that's why I've been fabric shopping for solid colours for fall, which felt veeery boring, but now I'm really happy with them! I'm curious to see your next four solid items!

  22. Absolutely! I am just the same as you in this respect. Solids just feel so, well, boring. And prints are so pretty! But yes, I do need to do a little more solid sewing. If I can find something exciting enough!

  23. I know what you mean, I have the same problem with my kids wardrobe. And then I have a LOT of black and beige in mine, not ok either. :) I am excited to see what you make.

  24. I remember Lladybird writing about this ages ago, about how the solids are cake and the printes are icing/frosting and yo always enjoy the frosting more than the cake ^_^ I have this same dilemma, so I bought about 10 black shirts from Kmart. I have like *uniform* since I had Edison of patterned bottoms (IE leggings ahah) and black shirts. It makes getting dressed easier, but all my dresses just sit in the closet waiting for a better day.

    Maybe I'm just yearning for summer & winter has made me all bleak and sensible? Lol! I can't wait to see your 4 solid items!!

    Solid *bump fists*

  25. I think a lot of us have this problem...prints are just more fun to buy and sew with! I even end up sewing print skirts too, so NOTHING in my wardrobe goes together. It makes it so hard to get dressed in the morning without looking like I threw up on myself. And on the undies thing...you so need to get on making them, perfect fit and you can use all the prints you like! I'm a total convert! http://www.thingsforboys.com/2013/08/making-your-own-underwear.html

  26. Dude, my closet punches me in the face with both a lack of clothing + excess of prints. It's mathematically impossible, yet my cupboard holds the world's greatest paradox. However yesterday I finished a white t-shirt (with fabric from you know where), so I'm taking your post as a good omen for my new solid-ish ways.

  27. I really know how do you feel. I`m opsessed with prints and I can`t help it! I adore everything and I collect fabric, what can I do. Love your blog, it`s really amazing

  28. Good luck! While I love all your gorgeous print projects, I'm sure anything you come up with will be beautiful. It's funny because I think I have the opposite problem. Or I have a problem with sewing in the same colors at least. So maybe I'll join you in a "no creams, whites, ivory's or tans" ban. haha, your challenge sounds a lot more fun though.

  29. Im the opposite, need more prints! Im trying hard :)

  30. Brilliant idea! I'm copying you right now and imposing the ban. But stripes count as solid's right? Totally neutral....

  31. I think I must be on some weird wavelength for you because most of my fall sewing plans are revolving around solids. My closet looks like Oona exploded on it (IN A GOOD WAY) but it makes wearing separates to work very difficult.

  32. Same thing here! Print-addict! But on the path to salvation... First step has been taken and solid fabrics have been purchased over the summer...

  33. Oh you are not alone! I always have to take a critical look at what I usually BUY and realize it's mostly solids, or a subtle print. I've been trying to use that more as I sew for myself too...except for skirts. I like printed skirts a lot. :)

  34. I cannot tell you how much I can relate to this post! The trouble is, I love a print and those are the ones I'm drawn to when fabric shopping. So I have a helluva lot of printed skirts and tops. Can't wait to be inspired by the solids you'll make! x

  35. it's like looking at my closet.. and i don't even believe i have 7 solid garments in it.. not even my panties are solid.. although i do wear crazy amount on print-on-print combinations, i think it's the time to make some solid garments finally.. thanks for the inspiration

  36. Mmmmmmm - prints! I have a similar problem ... until I heard interior designer Abigail Ahern talking about interior 'rules' and that you could have a really eclectic room of different styles, shapes and eras as long as you limited the palette. And I've found she's right - so you can have two patterns, as long as they are really similar palettes. If they're really different, that's heading more to the mad cat lady or getting dressed in the dark territory.

  37. Yep this is my life but I am working on getting some solids in my life! Starting with a summer version of the ralph pink tuxedo jacket (many thanks for alerting me to that pattern line) and from there I'm going to make some of the new named collection patterns which are to die for and look so nice made up in plain colours.

  38. Want prints but wear solids down here too. Tough balance!

  39. I'm also always drawn to prints, particularly when fabric shopping. My stash is stuffed full of prints and very low on solids. Yet when I go to plan out projects, I often find myself wishing I had more solid options in my stash, since solids are generally what I want to actually wear, especially in separates. I have come to realize that I need to stock up on more nice solids -- yay for fabric shopping!

  40. Can totally relate - for me, I think there's some underlying thought that, since I'm making it myself, I have to make it *wild* or *different* or in some way stand out from basics that can be bought on the high street. I'm coming around though - a simple, red renfrew is on my cutting table. My biggest self-sewing issue is that I have lots of tops, tunics and dresses but hardly anything for the bottom half (I still haven't been brave enough to sew a pair of trousers for myself!).

  41. I have the opposite problem, most of my wardrobe is made up of solids, predominantly black... there are a few polka dots and a gingham thrown into the mix, but on the whole my wardrobe looks, well, bleak!
    I am a self confessed print wearing phobic, unless we're talking leopard! I wish I was as carefree as you are with all those pretty prints, even if you don't wear them so much, they sure do look fab :)

    1. Same here ;-) I love to work with prints, but don't wear them, the occasional stripe, polka dot and leopard are an exception...

  42. I love all your prints!! But I can see your problem, I share it.

  43. ACE post! Well done for being so self-reflective, sounds like a very useful chunk of self-knowledge you've just gleaned there! xx
