24 February 2011

Monsieur Moustache

I am totally utterly addicted to the 90 minute shirt tutorial from http://www.dana-made-it.com/ . Dana, you're my hero! The best part about this tutorial is it teaches you how to make your own pattern from a onesie. I had put this project in the 'maybe one day I'll be ready' pile and look how awesome it is!! Made from some destash jersey and felt scraps.


  1. Oh my goodness I love all of the things you've made and I love your blog. Please post more. I just can't get enough! This mustache shirt is my favorite.

    I also am not buying any new clothes this year. Actually I'm not buying anything new this year except hygiene items and food. How is it going for you?

  2. Hey Camilla thanks so much for your kind comment. It was just the encouragement I've been needing! Your challenge sounds way more ambitious than mine...r u blogging about it?

  3. I love all of your goodies, and your blog design is adorable. :)

  4. I am with Camilla! I just found your site and I keep stopping back hoping for more and more! This knit shirt is too cute. Do you remember where you got this stripe? I am so copying this shirt! Thanks for sharing. You are really inspiring me to get on the knit train.

  5. Hi Alison! You know what I think this knit was a real cheapo from a fabric department store in Australia. Sometimes etsy is a good place to look for stretch fabric... Hopefully you can find what you're looking for :)
