08 April 2011

A Babble of Bibs

On a recent hunt for inspiration around blog land, I happened upon a particularly neat bib tutorial by Sew She Sews which I must share. 'Bibs SCHMIBS!' you say? Well, its true: a bib is a bib and it probably won't blow your socks off, but I love its mod shape and the mock patchwork allows for some seriously playful fabric combos. Clear and easy to navigate for those who still consider themselves in the 'mostly-beginner-with-moments-of-brilliance' category!


  1. These are wonderful!!
    The shape is great and so are the very manly boy-prints!! (Anyone with a boy can tell you it's very frustrating to constantly come across cutsie pink girly stuff without end!)

  2. ah, these are great--black and white makes everything pop, doesn't it!

  3. Thanks OnePerfectDay, yes you are right about frilly girly stuff, lets declare this blog a pink-free-zone!

  4. Sure does Mama-pan, actually this is pretty much the same combo as one of your boy's tunics>aqua /black and white!

  5. Thats my fave bib tutorial!!! They look awesome xxx
