17 May 2011

Kids Clothing Week Challenge: Final moments.

Don't ask what happened to days 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Elsie Marley KCWC! Obviously I went out too hard and got burn out by day 3. On day 7, I realised there was still time so I went at it like none other than a crazy sewing lady and even sustained a spectacular sewing injury in my haste! And because time was running out I grabbed what was at hand and I tell you, paper hand towels and sticky tape work a treat on a punctured finger. Sweating and bleeding, I just snuck these babies (pictured) into the flickr pool in the nick of time! I am so in awe of those of you that went about the Kids Clothing Week Challenge systematically and produced one item each day! I will be adopting a new game plan next time...


  1. I'm a bit jealous all my sewing injuries do only merit the adjective 'silly', 'avoidable' and 'get-over-it', but never spectacular. Love the fabric of the shoes, it's spectacular as well!

  2. Gorgeous fabric! I didn't so much suffer burnout as lack of time, but I'm still pretty pleased with my output. Keeping fingers crossed for even more productivity next year though!

  3. Super cute little booties - I love that minty green color. So sorry you sustained an injury! I ended up making two full outfits and an accessory, also at the last minute. As the week went on I started to cut more and more corners and my work got a bit sloppy, but all turned out in the end. Next time I plan to have a different game plan as well.
