21 December 2011

It was a very good year

Does anyone else like to indulge in ridiculous head games? Lately, I've been looking back through 2011 with my should'a, would'a, could'a goggles on. So, as a little feel-good exercise, I decided to make a collage using 'collage' (funnily enough) on Picnik. And seeing it all like this...turns out I haven't been sitting on my butt all year. Step away from the whip.
This was a great way to finish the year on a good note, kind of like hanging kindy art on the wall again. I can't recommend this enough, if you've been doing some sewing / crafting this year and could do with a little self-nurturing!

As for you, Mr. to do list ...
  • Re-vamp an old chair CHECK
  • Make / thrift clothes CHECK. Lots of thrifting. Making clothes takes forever.
  • Hand-make and buy handmade gifts No
  • Become unimaginably FAB at sewing Progress
  • Buy my fruit / veg at the markets CHECK
  • Turn an old suit-case into a retro picnic set Nice in theory
  • Get a fringe CHECK
  • Start a 'dress-up' box CHECK
  • Make our rented town-house a home sewing nook taking shape, priorities people...
  • Make brownies and rice-paper rolls mmm CHECK and CHECK

How about you...did 2011 meet expectations?

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. An exciting 2012 awaits...


  1. the collage is a great idea! I just might do one to get a bird's eye view of what the hell I've been doing all year

  2. Happy Christmas Sophie. Have a lovely one. Mrs B x

  3. great idea! and lovely projects. happy 2012 :)

  4. Wow! You should be proud!
    Happy 2012!

  5. Fantastic year Soph, I'm really impressed with your gumption. How many people have the follow-through for one resolution, let-alone the six hundred that you did.

    And you did hand-make a gift. Remember the hat you made Squeaker? So at least take a partial-credit on that list item.

    I'm also impressed with your blog (so you should also claim partial-credit for the founding of my blog).

    Nice work, Ringmistress.

  6. You've got some serious TALENT! Seriously!!!

  7. You ROCKED IT this year! Such great stuff. Merry Christmas!

  8. So I'm looking at this post for like the third time and I can't believe I haven't commented yet. I just love everything Sophie, you have great style!

  9. you are seriously amazing. hope you had a wonderful christmas!

  10. So, so lovely! You do have such great style! And the collage is such a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement! 2011 for me was just the beginning I think!

  11. Well done Soph, lots of busyness I see! Happy New year! May join you in blog land come 2012 or sooner (will see). Hopefully catch you in 2012 xx

  12. I just stumbled on your blog from Pinterest! I love your work!!!! Your pictures, your energy are fantastic! Keep it up! You are doing great! ~ Inge (mama of 3 boys)
