13 April 2012

Say, can I interest ye in a vote?

Remember this one? I entered it into Made By Rae's Spring Top Sewalong and it's made it into this week's Top of The Tops. Exciting enough on its own, but now there is a chance it could earn some real fabric dollars too. Which thrills me deeply. Enough to get past the squeamishness of self-promoting. So if you haven't voted for your favourite yet, there's still time to pop over to Rae's today.  I won't lie, I'm kind of, sort of really hoping it might be mine (letter E). Is this getting awkward? There's still two whole weeks of Spring Top Sewalong left, time enough to get inspired, whip up a top and chuck it in the pool. The flickr Pool. And if you need some inspiration there's no shortage so far...


  1. Voted! congratulations on making it to the voting round! Fabric $$ would be very nice indeed. Also, thanks for featuring my top in your post. I am sans blog myself, so it makes me feel a little famous! Aren't there some amazing tops in the sew-a-long group?

  2. Aw, you precious thing! Thank you for linking to my photo! I can't believe you are inspired by ME, because I'm always inspired by YOU! haha! Loving this tank and I will be rooting you on in the votes!!!

  3. Oh la la just voted for your tribal top. Good luck! xx

  4. Thanks for including my crazy printed Wiksten Tank! LOVE yours for sure!
    Running over to vote for it now! ;-) Cheers!

  5. Oh yes, I voted for you on the last round and I'm off to vote again!!! Pish-posh! Nothing to be squeamish about! You go on with your bad self and self promote 'til the cows come home. You do some awesome work!

  6. Yours if def the pick of the week. Voted.

  7. Done - voted for your sweet top!
    Good luck :)

  8. Been lagging this week but not enough to keep up with Spring top sewalong! Voted of course. Love it. I of course have not one, but two tops cut out for the challenge. Apparently I am currently obsessed with useless doll making so the tops will have to wait. sigh. Where does the time go? BTW... you are making me seriously consider cutting bangs. I haven't worn bangs in 15 years and you are perilously close to converting me.
