28 April 2013

Wowie Zowie

So it was a hard call to make but last week I resisted joining in the latest Kids Clothing Week Challenge and cheered from the stands instead. Something to do with wanting to save all my most spectacular meltdowns for the month of May when I'll be sewing my little patoosh off in the first ever series of Project Sewn! I am completely blown away / excited / intimidated at the thought of sewing alongside these phenomenal ladies...
Jess from Me Sew Crazy
Andrea from Four Square Walls
Terra from Mama Says Sew
Caroline from Sew Caroline
And what is Project Sewn when it's at home? It's the brain-child of Liz and Elizabeth of Simple Simon and Co, the crafty duo behind much loved kids-sewing comp / series Project Run and Play. And like PR&P you can expect all the drama and excitement of a month long sew-a-thon only this time it's minus the minors. That's right, a whole month completely unapologetically devoted to adult sewing. About time I say!

I'm still trying to get my head around how it all works but basically it's sewing Survivor. The contestants sew their hearts out and if the masses are wooed you're safe, if not, you're voted off the island. Eeek! Officially leaving ego at the door. The competition is built around a weekly theme you can sew alongside at home and post your creations on Project Sewn when they announce the link up each week. I'm pretty sure there are prizes involved. The rules are slightly different to PR&P in that rather than creating from scratch you can use patterns / tutorials straight up, or modified, as long as you give credit where's it's due. Which is pretty freakn' fabulous seeing as my drafting skills are, um absent mostly...

The theme for week one is Black and White. So much room for play there, so now I am off to trawl for inspiration, followed up by some scheming and doodling. Interspersed with bouts of FREAKING out! Wish me luck...


  1. Ooh sounds exciting, you'll do great with your awesome sewing skills!


    There is no one I would rather see in this!

  3. You're going to do awesome! I'm so excited for you - good luck!

  4. Wow what fantastic fun!!! Can't wait to see what you get up too! :)

  5. I was so excited to see that you were one of the designers! It is going to be so much fun to see what you all come up with, and I will be sewing along when I can. Good luck!!

  6. Congratulations, it sounds really exciting and fun (though also a little scary). Hope you have a ball with it!

  7. Ha! I skipped out on KCW last week for the same reason. Also, the freaking out. I've been doing lots of it. Good luck! I'm so excited to sew along side you and the others.

  8. Not having kids I had no idea this sort of thing was really going on, but I'm excited to watch how this first season pans out! They sure picked a great group.

  9. This is really exciting and I look forward to seeing the creations that you will be adding to your wardrobe!

  10. So exciting! Looking forward to seeing what you make!!!!

  11. OOoo!!! What an adventurous sewing challenge (minus the island, lack of food and hygiene, etc...)!!! I can't wait see what you come up with...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Oooh! This is awesome! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with - I always love your projects...and inspiration for me to sew for myself again is definitely needed...
    Good luck! x

  14. I am ridiculously excited that you're going to be participating in this! It's going to be so yo see what you and the other gals come up with!

  15. Wow, how exciting!! I'm sure you'll do great and look forward to seeing your makes! I was wondering where your KCW creations were this time, I always look forward to seeing what you're making for your boys! Good Luck!

  16. Good Luck! I know you'll be fabulous!

  17. oooh! How exciting! Can't wait for it to start. Good luck!

  18. This is so exciting! I've been a long-time fan, marveling at your awesome creations, especially for yourself! You will SO rock this!

  19. You are my favorite adult lady sewing gal, you know that right? Sooooo I can't WAIT to see what you make for this! Huge inspiration, Soph, HUGE. Show me some tribals and some crop tops and some awesome dresses and some pussy bows and some crazy sh*t I can't even imagine yet! :D

  20. whoa! cool! Can't wait to see what everyone makes.

  21. Can't wait to see the finished results!!

  22. I just found you from Project Sewn. I'm excited about 'mom' clothes! I am your newest subscriber. I can't wait to see more. You may be interested in my new series on teaching children to sew in the form of a Summer Sewing Camp:

  23. You are brave! I can't wait to see what you make.
